Esthetician Facials

Conveniently located to serve San Ramon, Pleasanton, Walnut Creek, and surrounding areas

Our diverse selection of esthetician facials includes three individual treatments designed to cater to your personal needs: the Acne Facial, and Microdermabrasion.

Each facial is used to deliver targeted results, whether you’re seeking to combat acne, achieve a more youthful appearance, rejuvenate your skin’s texture, or undergo a transformative chemical peel experience.

Now at special, limited time, introductory prices!

Microdermabrasion – now at the introductory price of $99.99!
Acne Facial – now at the introductory price of $139.99!

Don’t miss out on these exclusive introductory discounts! Secure your spot now and treat yourself to the radiant, healthy skin you deserve.

*special promo offer available for first time facial clients.

Acne Facial

Acne Facial is designed to reveal clear, confident skin without the need for aggressive peeling techniques. This non-invasive procedure works harmoniously with your skin’s natural processes to deliver exceptional results. Tailored to address acne and blemish concerns, this facial treatment is a rejuvenating solution for a range of common skin issues

How Does Acne Facial Work?

Our Acne Facial treatment employs a specialized approach to tackle acne-related challenges. Utilizing a combination of advanced techniques and skin-loving ingredients, our esthetician provides a comprehensive solution for your unique needs. This facial aims to reduce inflammation, clarify your complexion, and promote a renewed, blemish-free appearance.

Acne Facial Treatment Steps:

Cleanser Application: The process begins with a thorough cleansing to remove impurities, ensuring your skin is ready for the Acne Facial treatment.

Steaming: A gentle steaming session follows, opening up pores to facilitate the removal of dead skin cells and enhance the effectiveness of the facial.

Customized Treatment Skin Analysis: Our experienced skincare specialists analyze your skin’s unique needs, tailoring the Acne Facial treatment to address specific concerns and goals.

High Frequency: in an Acne Facial, “high frequency” refers to a skincare technique that utilizes a high-frequency electrical current to address various skin concerns, including acne. High frequency involves the use of a specialized handheld device that emits a mild electrical current through a glass electrode or wand.

High-frequency provide benefits such as reducing bacteria, calming inflammation, and promoting oxygenation, contributing to a clearer and healthier complexion.

Cooling Mask with LED Light Therapy: This step provides a soothing and calming experience, reducing redness and irritation caused by earlier steps. The cooling mask offers immediate relief, while the blue LED light targets and diminishes acne-causing bacteria, promoting a clearer complexion.

This step enhances skin healing and regeneration, contributing to overall skin wellness and revitalization. The combined benefits make it a valuable component in the Acne Facial, offering both immediate comfort and long-term improvements for individuals with acne-prone skin.

Application of Skincare Serums: Our skincare specialists apply targeted serums to address your specific acne concerns, ensuring deep nourishment and lasting results.

Sun Protection (SPF): Safeguard your revitalized skin with the application of a broad-spectrum sunscreen, providing essential protection against UV rays.

Acne Facial Treatment FAQ:

What can I expect on the day of the procedure?

The Acne Facial treatment steps are outlined in detail above, providing a quick, comfortable process with minimal sensations. You can resume your daily activities immediately afterward.

Is it Painful?

Most individuals experience minimal to no discomfort during the procedure, as the treatment is designed to be minimally invasive and well-tolerated. Any sensations, such as mild tingling or warmth, are usually brief and manageable.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of Acne Facial treatments needed varies. While some notice improvements after one session, a series of treatments is recommended for optimal results. The specific number depends on individual skin concerns and the severity of acne. We always assess your skin during a consultation and provide a personalized treatment plan.


Before your Acne Facial, you can take steps to enhance the effectiveness and comfort of the treatment.

Minimize sun exposure for at least a week before your appointment to reduce skin sensitivity.

Discontinue the use of skincare products containing retinoids, glycolic acid, or salicylic acid a few days prior to the treatment. Avoid waxing or any other form of hair removal on the treatment area for at least a week.

It’s crucial to disclose any medications you are taking to your skincare professional, as certain medications may impact the outcome of the treatment, and on the day of the facial, arrive with a clean face, free from makeup, moisturizers, or any other products, to ensure optimal treatment results.


Prioritizing proper aftercare will support skin healing and maintain results.

Apply a gentle, hydrating moisturizer to your skin after the treatment to preserve moisture balance. Protect your skin from direct sun exposure for at least a few days post-treatment by wearing a wide-brimmed hat and using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30. (ask us about products available at the Med Spa)

Avoid using products that contain harsh chemicals, strong acids, or active ingredients for a few days. Steer clear of physical exfoliants, scrubs, or abrasive cleansers for about a week, as the skin may be more sensitive immediately after the procedure. Skip hot baths, saunas, and steam rooms for a couple of days to prevent irritation.

Adhere to any specific aftercare instructions provided by your skincare professional, as they may have customized recommendations based on your skin type and the specific details of your treatment.

When can I expect to see results?

Results from Acne Facial can vary based on individual skin characteristics, the severity of acne, and other factors. In many cases, individuals may notice improvements after the first session, such as reduced redness and a clearer complexion. However, significant and lasting results often become more apparent with further treatments. The skin will continue to improve over time as this facial stimulates healing, reduces inflammation, and addresses acne-causing factors.

Consistency with recommended aftercare, skincare routines, and any additional guidance from skincare professionals can contribute to the effectiveness and longevity of the results. Our expert providers provide personalized expectations during the consultation based on the specific conditions being addressed and the individual’s unique skin needs.

How long do the results last?

The duration of results from an Acne Facial can vary depending on individual skin characteristics, the severity of acne, and lifestyle factors. While some individuals may experience longer-lasting improvements, the results are often not permanent, especially if acne is influenced by factors like hormonal changes or environmental conditions.

Our experts will provide guidance on long-term care and maintenance to support the health of the skin and minimize the recurrence of acne concerns. Regular follow-up appointments and maintenance treatments may be recommended based on individual needs.

How Much Does Acne Facial Treatment Cost?

One Acne Facial treatment is $180. For a personalized quote, please contact us to discuss your unique requirements. We have a package deal available.

Schedule Your Acne Facial:

Elevate your skincare experience with Acne Facial at BlossomMD. Contact us today to schedule your consultation in San Ramon, and embark on the path to clear, confident skin.

Schedule a Consultation


Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure that works harmoniously with your skin’s natural processes to deliver exceptional results without the downtime associated with more aggressive peeling techniques.

How Does Microdermabrasion Work?

Our Microdermabrasion treatment utilizes a state-of-the-art handheld device that exfoliates the skin’s outer layer. This controlled exfoliation process promotes cellular turnover and collagen production. The result is a smoother, more radiant complexion with improvements in fine lines, wrinkles, uneven texture, and overall skin tone.

Microdermabrasion is a versatile skincare treatment that effectively addresses a range of common skin concerns, offering a non-invasive and rejuvenating solution.

The treatment is known to target:

  • Uneven texture
  • Dullness
  • Uneven skin tone

Microdermabrasion Treatment Steps:

Cleanser Application: The process begins with a thorough cleansing to remove impurities, ensuring your skin is ready for the microdermabrasion process.

Steaming: A gentle steaming session opens up pores, facilitating the removal of dead skin cells and enhancing the effectiveness of the microdermabrasion.

Customized Treatment Skin Analysis: Our experienced skincare specialist will analyze your skin’s unique needs to tailor the microdermabrasion treatment, addressing specific concerns and goals.

Microdermabrasion: The specialized handheld device is maneuvered across the skin, exfoliating and resurfacing to reveal a renewed and revitalized complexion.

Face Massage (Lymphatic Drainage): A soothing face massage that incorporates lymphatic drainage techniques, promoting circulation and reducing any post-treatment swelling.

Hydrating Mask with LED Light Therapy: The next step involves a hydrating mask enriched with beneficial ingredients. LED light therapy enhances the absorption of nutrients, promoting skin rejuvenation.

Application of Skincare Serums: Our skincare specialist applies targeted serums to address your specific skin concerns, ensuring deep nourishment and lasting results.

Sun Protection (SPF): Safeguard your revitalized skin with the application of a broad-spectrum sunscreen, providing essential protection against UV rays.

Microdermabrasion Treatment FAQ:

What can I expect on the day of the procedure?

The treatment steps are outlined in detail above, but the process is quick and comfortable, with minimal sensations. You can resume your daily activities immediately afterward.

Is it Painful?

Microdermabrasion is generally considered a minimally invasive and well-tolerated cosmetic procedure, and most individuals experience little to no pain during the treatment. The sensation can be described as a mild scratching or vibrating feeling as the microdermabrasion device exfoliates the outer layer of the skin.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of microdermabrasion treatments needed can vary depending on your specific skin concerns, goals, and the condition of your skin. In general, microdermabrasion is often performed in a series of sessions to achieve optimal results.

Because this treatment is so ideal for skin cell turnover, and because we know that as we age, our cell turnover slows, we recommend Microdermabrasion as a monthly series, for best results. Commonly, a series of sessions – typically ranging from 5 to 10 treatments – may be recommended.

After completing a series of sessions, maintenance treatments may be recommended periodically to help sustain the results over time.


Minimize sun exposure and use sunscreen with a high SPF for at least a week before your treatment. Sun-damaged skin may be more sensitive, and unprotected sun exposure can increase the risk of complications. And avoid using self-tanning products or getting a spray tan for at least a week before your microdermabrasion session.

Stop using skincare products containing retinoids, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, or other exfoliating agents for at least 3 days before the treatment. These products can increase skin sensitivity, and discontinuing them helps prevent irritation.

Avoid waxing or any other form of hair removal on the treatment area for at least a week before your session.

Inform your skincare professional about any medications you are taking, as certain medications may affect the outcome of the treatment. If you have any skin conditions, allergies, or health concerns, be sure to discuss them with your skincare professional during the consultation.

Ensure your skin is well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to your appointment. Hydrated skin tends to respond better to treatments.
On the day of your appointment, arrive with a clean face, free from makeup, moisturizers, or any other products. This allows for a more effective and hygienic treatment.

Don’t hesitate to ask any questions or express any concerns you may have during the consultation or before the treatment begins.


Apply a gentle, hydrating moisturizer to your skin after the treatment. This helps maintain the skin’s moisture balance and supports the healing process.

Protect your skin from direct sun exposure for at least a few days post-treatment. If you need to go outside, wear a wide-brimmed hat and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30.

Avoid using products that contain harsh chemicals, strong acids, or active ingredients for a few days. Let your skin recover before reintroducing these products. Steer clear of any physical exfoliants, scrubs, or abrasive cleansers for about a week. Your skin will be more sensitive immediately after the procedure.

If you were using products with retinoids, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, or other active ingredients before the treatment, hold off on them for a few days or as per your skincare professional’s recommendation.

Skip hot baths, saunas, and steam rooms for a couple of days post-treatment to prevent irritation.

Resist the temptation to touch, pick, or scratch your treated skin. Let it heal naturally to avoid infection or irritation.

Cleanse your face with a mild, non-abrasive cleanser to remove impurities without causing irritation. Avoid heavy makeup for the first day or two after the treatment. If you need to wear makeup, choose mineral or non-comedogenic options.

Adhere to any specific aftercare instructions provided by your skincare professional. They may have customized recommendations based on your skin type and the specific details of your treatment.

If you experience any unexpected side effects, such as excessive redness, swelling, or irritation, contact your skincare professional promptly. Remember that individual responses to microdermabrasion can vary, so it’s essential to follow the guidance provided by your skincare professional for the best results.

When can I expect to see results?

Results are often visible after the first session, with continued improvement over time as collagen rebuilds. For best results, we recommend Microdermabrasion as a monthly series, to promote optimal cell turnover.

How long do the results last?

The duration of results from microdermabrasion can vary based on several factors, including individual skin characteristics, the specific concerns being addressed, and lifestyle factors.

Microdermabrasion is often recommended as a series of treatments, typically spaced a month apart. While you may notice improvements after the first session, ongoing treatments can help maintain and enhance the results.

How Much Does Microdermabrasion Treatment Cost?

One Microdermabrasion treatment is $150. For a personalized quote, please contact us to discuss your unique requirements. We have a package deal available.

Schedule Your Microdermabrasion:

Contact BlossomMD today to schedule a consultation or inquire about our Microdermabrasion Treatment in the East Bay area. Our dedicated team will create the perfect treatment plan to help you achieve smoother, more radiant skin.

Schedule a Consultation


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    PLEASE NOTE: If you are a NEW PATIENT, it is a requirement to attend a virtual Good Faith Exam before your procedure. Please choose VIRTUAL from booking link for your initial consultation and IN PERSON for initial procedure dates. (with the exception of HydraFacial. GFE is NOT needed for HydraFacial)



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