Building Self-Confidence for Your Return To The Office

The two friends had not seen each other, in person, for a long while. A combination of the pandemic, and other life factors, had prevented their usual meet ups and chats and they missed each other terribly.
When they finally got together, there was an air of tension in the air.
Amanda asked Bonnie, “Are you ok? You seem tense?”
Bonnie: “I’m ok… Well, if I am completely honest, I am nervous. Not about being with you though… I missed you so much!
My company is calling us all back to work in the office soon, and I am so nervous. I haven’t seen all those people, in person, in so long. I am feeling less than confident about the way I look right now; you know?
Honestly, I’d even consider some cosmetic surgery, like a face lift if it weren’t for the cost, and well, the fact that its surgery! It’s not a vanity thing, it’s a confidence thing. I was already having a hard time with just Zoom meetings, going back to the office in person is going to be really hard for me.
Gosh, I wish there was a safe and affordable alternative. I just know I’d feel so much more self-confident walking back into that office with just a little skin lift and tightening up, maybe define my jowl area a bit; but there’s no way I could afford an actual face life, plus It’s SURGERY, and my work would never let me take off all that downtime.”
Amanda: “But Bonnie, there IS a safe and affordable alternative, with little to no down time! It’s called PDO Thread Lifts and there is a Med Spa right here in San Ramon that offers it! They’re called BlossomMD and they have the best group up super qualified professionals, they offer only the highest quality of FDA approved treatments and procedures, in a super clean and friendly environment, AND they offer free consultations!
If something like this is going to make you feel better about yourself, why wouldn’t you do it! I say go for it, girl!”
Bonnie: “I really think it would make me feel better. I feel like I would have so much more confidence on the inside, if I felt better about how I looked on the inside. Do you know what I mean?”
Amanda: “I do! Book a free consultation then! What do you have to lose? You can book directly on their website, or you can call to book at (925) 895-9589.
So, what exactly are PDO threads and what benefit can they provide?
PDO (Polydioxanone) threads are actual threads. They are in fact the synthetic absorbable surgical sutures, that have been used for decades for suturing incisions after medical procedures. Fully FDA approved and proven to be one of the safest materials to be implanted in the body.
What makes PDO so popular is the fact that it is a minimally invasive treatment (not surgery) that provides your skin with a subtle upward lift so your skin is allowed to tighten, thus countering the effects of aging skin and wrinkles usually around the cheeks, jowls or neck.
This procedure is perfect for people who prefer to avoid undergoing a more aggressively invasive treatment. This allows PDO threadlift patients to avoid weeks of frustrating and painful downtime or recovery time.
There is potential for swelling, redness and bruising. But this will subside after a few days. However, you will be able to resume normal everyday activities in just a couple of days following the treatment.
And, the effects of a thread lift treatment are less dramatic compared to a facelift treatment, making for a more subtle type of rejuvenation. Unlike a facelift, the thread lift also naturally enhances the skin’s collagen production, creating results that improve gradually with time.
PDO threads are inserted into the skin through a tiny needle puncture. The threads have a very small barbed end, that allows the thread to anchor in place. Then the Medical Professional can manipulate the thread to pull, lift and tighten in a completely customized way, to suit each client’s individual situation.
There are several different types of threads, utilized to create maximum results in every different scenario. Simultaneously smooth and twist threads may be employed to volumize and smooth adjacent areas, and PDO threads can also additionally enhance the appearance of the area treated because they naturally encourage the production of collagen.
For example:
Smooth threads can be used to create a mesh-like area beneath the skin. This stimulates the cells in the skin that produce collagen. This type of thread can be used monthly for 3-4 months to smooth lines, add volume and improve skin tone.
Twist threads are more coiled in shape, like a tiny spring. These threads are inserted directly into facial folds, grooves, and wrinkles. They act as a “filler”, plumping up these areas and also aid in promoting new collagen growth. Remember, collagen in your skin is your friend. Increasing collagen growth aids in healthier, more youthful looking skin texture.
Barbed threads (as briefly discussed above) are ideal for lifting and elevating. Useful in defining fuller cheeks bones, defining loose jaw lines, and improving the appearance of neck sagging.
The Medical Beauty Professionals at BlossomMD in San Ramon are well-versed in the PDO Thread Lifts procedure, as well as other options to be considered, such as: Botox, dermal fillers, microneedling, etc. Book your FREE consultation now and discuss your options!
At BlossomMD, we believe that how you see yourself and how you treat yourself impacts the way you feel. Our ultimate goal is to help you smile with confidence, knowing that your true inner beauty and elegance are displayed.